Saturday, January 29, 2011


update on our car situation!

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for praying with us about somehow acquiring a car to use while
we are here in Australia! We found out that there is a Christian family
here (a friend of a friend of a friend!) who will be going on vacation
for three months and was looking for someone to look after their
seven-seater car! We can even use it for the whole time we are in

Isn't God good!!! :)

This takes such a weight off our shoulders! Now we can throw away all
the papers with information on cars that we were comparing to buy! We
were so stressed about that, but God had it all under control!

Dave and Sarah

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Troolin update: 22 Jan. 2011

Dear Friends and Family,

We made the 29 hour trip to Australia yesterday and the day before, and
somewhere we lost a day without even realizing it. :) The trip went very
well, and we didn't lose any children or luggage! Everything went very
well and we are able to stay in Sarah's father and mother's house in
Adelaide for a few weeks before moving into more long-term housing.
Joanna had an ear infection, and we were worried that she would feel
great discomfort on the four flights, but she didn't feel any pain, and
we are so glad for that!

We still haven't lined up a vehicle for us to use while here in
Adelaide, but we will be working on that in the next few days. Could you
please pray about that? We are looking for a vehicle that holds our
whole family - so we need at least six seats - and we are open to buying
or borrowing (and possibly swapping a five seater car for a few
months). Please let us know if you have any ideas for us.

This next week we will be meeting with the kids' school teachers and
staff, getting back into our language work and anthropology papers and
spending time with our Australian family and friends here!

Blessings, and thank you for your prayers!
Dave and Sarah

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