Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Troolin email update, Oct. 2015

Dear Friends and Family,

PNG is currently facing unseasonably dry conditions. Reportedly the whole country has had less rain than is normal for the year and large areas face droughts and devastated gardens. Please pray for rain for PNG!

A few weeks ago I presented my fieldwork to the anthropology department at university. This was an opportunity to share about PNG, our village and my field work and to summarise what my findings have been. As a result I have discovered another Christian in the anthropology department, and have had conversations with a Buddhist lady who listened as I shared some things with her about the Bible. Praise the Lord that the presentation went well and please pray that my anthropology colleagues at the university would sense the Lord speaking to them and turn and put their trust in him!

Thank you for standing with us in so many ways through your gifts, prayers and friendship!

God bless,
Dave and Sarah, Joanna, Samuel, Matthew and Rebekah

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