Monday, April 11, 2016


Troolin email update, April 2016

Dear Friends and Family,

We have enjoyed moving past summer, and into fall here in Adelaide. The weather is changing in delightful ways: getting cooler and raining occasionally. At the same time, we continue with our core activities. Dave has handed in a rough draft of chapter three, and is now working on his first draft of chapter four. Sarah and the children are continuing with homeschooling and enjoying some homeschooling group get-togethers.

We have had more opportunities to speak about Wycliffe in various groups lately, which always energizes us! One group, a Bible study, was a blessing for us to participate with, as they reminded us about the care and love that we can have for each other because of our common bond in Christ. Another group is a class at a Bible college in Adelaide. Dave has been impressed at the class focus, which is to develop relationships with those from other cultures in order to befriend those in the minority and interact with them about deep spiritual things. The final group Dave will speak with is a high school class, and he hopes to be able to show them how we cannot just assume other people are like us, but we can use the tools of anthropology to learn how to share the Gospel with others in meaningful ways. Let us all seek meaningful ways to share our love for the One who first loved us!

We feel so blessed that you are partners with us!

God bless you,
Dave and Sarah

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