Sunday, February 04, 2018


Troolin email update, Feb. 2018

Dear Friends and Family,

Over our 20 years of marriage, one thing that has been difficult is
that, due to Sarah being Australian and Dave being American, we were
unable to visit each other's nation for as long as we needed to for
furloughs, medical issues and study leave. For example, tourist visas
only last for three months at a time! About ten years go, Sarah became
an American, a dual citizen with Australia. Last week, after six years
of applying and filling out forms, we are excited to share with you that
Dave became a dual Australian - American citizen! Dave has not given up
his American citizenship, and he still loves his home country, but
adding Australia to his citizenship means that he won't need a visa to
visit our Australian family, friends and ministry partners, and can stay
there longer than three months! This is a huge praise!

While the immigration hurdle is sorted out, the thesis work continues!
We are now less than two months from Dave's estimated submission date,
and about five months from returning to PNG! Needless to say, he is
working long and hard hours to get the chapters all revised and ready to
submit in March. Please pray for diligence, peace and the right words,
to make this thesis the best it can be, for God's glory!

Grace and peace,

Dave and Sarah

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