Monday, August 13, 2018


Troolin email update, 13 August 2018

Dear Friends and Family,

After a brief time off the grid, we now have email and internet access,
and can send you an update! On Friday August 3, our SIL pilot expertly
flew us down through thick clouds to finally land on the Aiyura
airstrip, where were met by many of our good friends here in PNG! It has
been great to reconnect with friends here; it has eased the pain of
leaving all of you.

Since then we have been unpacking and settling back in to life in PNG.
Our activities during the next few weeks will include getting
established back in Ukarumpa, communicating with the Sam people,
planning when to drive to Buan, encouraging the Sam translators by
phone, polishing the Sam translation f Mark to consultant check it in a
few months, working on other language related work and fixing our
village house. I am not looking forward to fixing the septic tank lid,
which collapsed several months ago. :( During this time, I am waiting
for my Adelaide University advisors to pass on the feedback from the
thesis examiners. When I receive their feedback, I will be able to make
those edits and submit the finished thesis via email.

Thank you for your partnership in the Sam ministry!

God bless you,

Dave and Sarah, and Joanna, Samuel, Matthew and Rebekah

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