Thursday, December 02, 2010


Troolin email update - Dec. 1, 2010

Dear Friends and Family,

Time has been flying by faster than the falling snow outside my window!

In the last month we were privileged to share about the work of Bible
translation in a Christian college in Iowa (Dordt College). Dave shared
about anthropology and Bible translation, cross-cultural encounters in
PNG, and a short explanation of language survey and how it fits into the
translation task. We were also able to speak to one of our supporting
churches here in Cambridge including two Sunday School classes (we
really enjoyed speaking to those kids and young people - and are
inspired to think that these young people are the next generation of

We were able to set up a display about the languages and cultures of PNG
in the community library in Cambridge, and speak to Samuel's school
class about everyday life in a PNG village! :)

Some other important milestones for our family were the first snowfall
(rapidly followed by building our first snowman!), two Thanksgiving
meals with our family (different family members came to each!), and a
five-day spiritual retreat for Sarah and me (thank you, Grandpa and
Grandma, for taking care of the children!).

We have been encouraged by several people who, after asking if there
were concrete ways they could be involved with us in the work, have
offered to help us by typing in some of the rough drafted Scriptures! We
have also seen God work in helping us resolve a difficult computer
problem that prevented our dictionary and translation programs from
working! Praise the Lord!

Friends, we appreciate you so much! We can't say it enough - you are so
important to the Sam ministry!

God bless you,
David and Sarah

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