Friday, April 27, 2018


Troolin email update, Apr. 27, 2018, please pray!

Dear Friends and Family,

We are in the middle of "crunch time" now, and would appreciate your prayers! We are getting tired, and need the Lord's peace and strength! We have a few big deadlines approaching:

- We are sorting, packing, and cleaning so that we can move out of this house to Sarah's parents' house on about May 12.

- Dave is finishing off his thesis and will be handing it in around May 21.

- We are working on finalising our airplane tickets to Minnesota, with a travel date of May 29.

- Wycliffe has not released us to go to PNG because we are not yet at 100% of our support; we still lack about $860 USD/month. Please let us know if you feel God is leading you to partner with us financially.

We have a new prayer card ready for you! We will be printing out copies to give to people, but if you want to download and print one yourself, you can do that by downloading it from our shared folder at Dropbox:

God is great, and He is the one who daily bears our burdens,

Dave and Sarah

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